That's where we differ, James. Oddly, I am very aware that I will NEVER convert those who will NOT think! I never expected to!
The real object is simple; others read the comments and do NOT post. That group may contain readers who ARE capable of thought. Many other people have been trying (and still continue) to deal with the 'nay sayers' by polite methods and have got nowhere. I am trying a more DIRECT method by making it obvious that holding and STATING stupid views will get you RIDICULED. I am hoping that some poor 'third party' may well be slightly more reticent to make BIZARRE statements if they see that it get them LAUGHED-at!
Have a look at Rich Pudd's reply where he states that the adverts say 'this or that'. You'll see the point. Unless SOMEONE shows that it is NOT acceptable to be LIE about what's being claimed than it will simply continue and GROW!
Why should the ranks of the DIM be the only one who uses aggressive behaviour? I am from the very small group of active and beligerant thinkers!
I am a tough old bird and I will continue to laugh at those who WILL NOT think! If they wish to learn, I'll try to help. If they want to use LOGIC to prove their point, all well and good but I intend to give the 'thoughtless' (e.g. Jeremy Clarkson and his followers) a tougher time that they are used-to!
Long live the robust intellectuals! Tee hee!