Am I REALLY that unusual?
I reply to reasonable people in a reasonable manner. You have been the MODEL of reasonable and we have had fun conversations (even about FOOTBALL!!!).
On the other hand, with morons, I ABUSE them! Yes, I accept that the CORRECT word is 'bigot' rather than 'moron' but that word has its own 'baggage', too. Reason, discussion, explanation, logic, science, maths,etc., does not TOUCH them! Tell me how YOU would 'deal' with a person who STATES that he has read NOTHING (zero, zilch, nada, 0) on the subject from informed sources but actually has the BARE FACED AUDACITY to suggest that HE knows BETTER than those who have spent their LIVES on the subject???
I tell you what: YOU reply to RoadRat and try to explain to him that a week's 'cold snap' in a VERY small part of Europe is not exactly 'conclusive proof' that Global Warming does not exist! I can't get it through to him with ANY of my techniques: perhaps you know better than me and YOU might succeed where I have failed! Don't try to prove that Global Warming is 'man made'.... just get him to accept that the last two weeks are not SIGNIFICANT on the subject of a 150 year trend and I'll be able to see how it 'should' be done.............
And when you have finished banging your head against a brick wall for month after month, I bet YOU will be shouting at him, too!
PS I bet you a bottle of bubbly that you FAIL with him, too!