...that the government has not put a recruitment poster on this site.
After all, they are in need of some brains, and judging by many of the posts on here, this is where they are all to be found.
The level of expertise on climate is staggering. It is almost unbelievable how many obviously well qualified professors, scientists, doctors et al. find time in their busy schedules of research, measurement, investigation, etc. to make such well informed comments. Why are the universities of the world messing about with laboratories, meteorological stations, satellites, balloons and everything, when all they need to do is tap a few keys on a laptop, and they will have as much information as the experts on here? So much cheaper, too! Why are you not all in Copenhagen? Oh, sorry, I forgot...that is only for the 'pro CC' members, who all have so much to gain...increasing taxes so that they will be certain to be re-elected, increasing the costs to their businesses, so that they will make more profit, reducing the trade figures of their countries, to increase their living standards. Yep...its a truly amazing scam!
Of all the posts recently on this subject, the only one with any sound base is Kudos....and that is because he doesn't make statements he knows s0d all about, but simply asks a question. The same one every time...what IS the answer? Surely, simple for posters of such enormous mentality! (clue...it IS simple.....but unpleasant)