Sorry if you don't like the tone but this is not a discussion about what flavour TEA we should be drinking! It's about preventing MILLIONS of deaths!
1) You're not convinced. So...? What did you expect if you have not read the stuff in detail? The subject is too complex for 'tabloid' discussions. Read the stuff in it's simplest form, i.e., that posted in New Scientist! Honestly, just BUY a copy and read the stuff which you really WILL find interesting. NS is a 'digest' of science-type news! It's often 'WRONG' because science is LIKE that! But, you won't need to read many weeks to see quite how conclusive and how SCARY it all is! You will find articles on almost EVERY subject, even on calculating how fast Santa would need top travel on Christmas Eve to get to ALL the houses in 24 hours! It was one of the great 'Xmas' stories. The conclusion on how Santa does it was SUPERB! That Santa is no ORDINARY bloke! It is written for the NON Scientist but for the person who is INTERESTED in science and Technoilogy! Some weeks are boring but most are just GREAT. Scientists will LAUGH at you if you tell them you read it: they describe it as the 'Sun' of the science world! It really IS down at our 'level'!
If not.... how do you suggest we DO 'inform' you of the facts??????
2) That's why active carbon extraction is NOT being PRACTICALLY proposed as yet! However, it does NOT require a Neuro Surgeon to work out that
* If excess Carbon Dioxide (and other GH gases) is cuasing the problem * It makes sense to REDUCE the CO2 we produce * Be fair, what sort of IDIOT would say: "we don't know if 'our' CO2 is causing the problem..... so we'll just CARRY ON..... even though it might be killing us!
3) Nobody is CLAIMING that what we are doing is the BEST option. It's just that we can't be CERTAIN that there are BETTER methods! However, exactly like the previous answer... are you REALLY suggesting that: if you suspected that Peanuts were causing you to be SEVERELY ill, that you'd carry on eating them by the BUCKET full until we could produce 'conclusive proof' that it WAS the peanuts! The FIRST action a sane person would be to STOP stuffing their face while they did more tests! That is an EXACT parallel! It is EXACTLY what even POLITICIANS are currentlky suggesting: cut our INCREASED production of CO2 and wait until we can SEE the effect!
Personally, I am beginning to side with the scientists who say it is already TOO LATE to use this passive approach: we seem to need some 'activ'e CO2 'extraction' (sucking it out of the air!) but..... if you think cutting CO2 is expensive..... wait until you see the cost of REMOVING CO2!!!!
This is NOT a nice cosy subject! I hope YOU guys are right and that I am TOTALLY WRONG..... but..... if you are NOT..... we are looking at MILLIONS of deaths! This could beat ALL the World Wars plus the effects of the 1919 Flu epidemic! I can't take THAT sort of propspect CALMLY!