Simon, that's tripe and drivel and you know it! There was MORE money to be earned by scientists to prove that GW diod NOT exist or wasn't man-made. The money was (and still IS) on offer from the even MORE 'evil' car and fuel companies!
Stop attempting to wave imaginary shrouds!
Also be REALISTIC about politicians! The Australians just SACKED their leader (Malcolm Turnbull) who was supporting action on GW! Taking THAT as any sort of evidence would show that the politicians have NOTHING to gain from promoting the policies for which, if other people behave like stupid Aussies, will lose them their JOBS!
The politicians really do NOT want to take more taxes for ANY personal reason. They ALL know that more or higher taxes will LOSE them votes; it won't gain them ANY votes!
You are trying to paint a one sided view of the pressures on scientists and politicians. Like the rest of the subject, it's NOT that simple!