"They really DON'T have any more built in incentive to be 'against' 'anthropogenic change'"
There are huge amounts of money to be had for an approved GW/CC research programme, and alas many of the scientists are utterly convinced that they are right, just as the medics were convinced that AIDS would kill more people than the Black Death.
One of the phenomena one can look at , in parallel to GW is Global Dimming, another man made phenomenon that is suspected of moving entire monsoons, lowering sea temperatures and so on.
However, the fact that we are being saturated with highly dubious advertisements at the behest of a Government who is best known for its devious and dubious media manipulation means that even if the scientists are right, they are being exploited by the politicians, probably for their own reasons.
(At a guess, I'd run that along the lines that the Cold War kept people scared for 60 years, and then we had the Islam War and that seems to be running out of steam, so now we are headed for the Climate War against the enemy who cannot put its own case. FUD keeps populations under control.)