Quote: "anthropologic climate change"
And you wonder why many of us KNOW that YOU lot N*E*E*D 'educating' on the subject!!!!!
I'll let you discover the meaning of the word 'Anthropologic' (if it actually EXISTS); if you can't find that, look up 'anthropologicAL' or 'anthropologY'.
What you meant was 'anthropoGENIC'! The words 'Genesis' or 'Generate' might have given you a clue! The 'suffix' 'logic' usually implies the meaning 'the study of'!
..... YES, I KNOW you are all going to whine that I am picking on a 'spelling mistake' (it's NOT: is is misunderstanding of how our language WORKS!)....
.... but it is EXACTLY the point! If you INSIST on reading SILLY articles and NOT bothering to reads the STUDIES, then that is EXACTLY the sort of error you will make!
This stuff is NOT simple; it's NOT explainable or provable by the Sun or the Mail or even the TIMES editorials! It is too VAST too DANGEROUS and too COMPLEX to comprehend unless you STUDY it!
Look at the situation: if you ARE uninformed about MOST other subjects, you ask an EXPERT and take his/her advice! You ask your mechanic, electrician, plumber, or DOCTOR about things you don't understand in their specialist field. You DON'T go asking your mates down the pub about problems with you 'Eyelets of Langerhan' (I think that's the spelling!). And yet.... on something as GIGANTIC as this.... you feel you CAN have a valid view on the subject when you don't even know the most BASIC 'word' on the subject when you CLEARLY haven't even read a DIGEST on the subject! Just take two weeks of New Scientist to get a PROPER picture! It's designed for people like US... those who are interested and willing to LEARN but are NOT qualified to understand the FULL 'papers' on the subject!
Just like YOU, I do NOT understand ALL of this subject. I therefore ACCEPT the word of the F****** VAST MAJORITY of those who DO... the climate scientists.... There are now only a handful of even FRACTIONALLY credible scientists who DON'T think there is a significant portion of the GW/CC that is 'AnthropoGENIC'....
..... and I am not ARROGANT enough to think that I know BETTER than the majority of climate scientists!
That's where we differ! You ARE!
This is NOT ‘Big Brother’, ‘Strictly’ or ‘X Factor’…. The results of polls of the totally uneducated are NOT the thing which decides the RESULTS of this one!