IMO it is vanity to think that we have caused Global warming. However if for a moment we accept that it's true, then it is just sheer stupidity to think we can do anything to halt it.
Consider that the 'experts' talk about a warming period that started 150 years ago. Just about concurrent with the Industrial Revolution.
Then consider what world population was then and what average CO2 output would have been. For most people that would havee been a fire to cook on and keep warm and a couple of candles if they were lucky, perhaps maybe their cow farting. Our CO2 production must be 10's if not 100's of times now what it was then.
We have zero chance of getting back to that within the timescale that scientists talk about the massive changes in climate and sea levels arriving.
So what do we do, what our leaders suggest and turn the central heating down a couple of degrees and drive five miles a day less? Meanwhile the same government is paying others to buy a new car.
So Perhaps we should all become radical planet huggers and bury our heads even further, get a bicycle and wear a hair shirt while living in tree and preaching about being green, while pretending our sacrifice can make a difference. While the hordes in India and China redouble their efforts to attain our previous carbon consuming lifestyle.
Whatever we do is futile and pointless. So why bother doing anything if it's pointless, just let nature take it's course and as a bare minimum make sure you live on hill.