David, don't you start getting silly.
Firstly, the AVERAGE is still higher than the AVERAGE 12 years ago. However, it is not higher than the PEAK of 12 years ago (oh.... and I think the 12 year number is incorrect but let's not argue on minor detaila)! That's like have a large wave at sea and, because there are no OTHER large waves going past at this moment, claiming that the tide isn't rising! A single 'peak' in temp is NOT important, it is the steady 150 year trend that's most scary!
If you compare 10-year-averages, you can see the much smoother rise. If you compare 50 year averages, you can see it even more clearly. You are confusing peaks when they will show the most chaotic behaviour! It's like claiming the peak rainfall in Cumbria proves something on its own; it's just an isolated incident WITHIN the 'chaos'. When we see these '1000 year events' happening within 10 years of each other you'll be able to measure it.... but.... by then..... it'll be too late!