Do you like to ask lots of questions in one go so if someone does come back with a good answer to one or more of them you ignore their point and keep banging on about the one you feel you've beaten them on. I think it's called attrition!
OK - here goes!
Henry is not (IN MY VIEW WHICH I'M ENTITLED TO HAVE) a "dasterdley" cheat. He DID CHEAT but that does not make him a Cheat per se for the 2nd time around. He's not a saint either and not just because of what happened last week. What were the other 2 - oh, a "typical football player" or "what" whatever that is!
It all depends on your defition of typical football player. If it's based on technical ability to score goals or make goals or to change a match and turn it on its head and do things that 99.9 % of other players can only dream of and NOT just once in a career - then he would be untypical of most players. As for the "what" then you to be a bit more clear on that one!
As for applauding BOTH teams where did that come from or is it another example of throwing in a new variable. Listen - I applaud BOTH teams just like I go up to other Dads/Mums/Drivers and say well done, occasionally through gritted teeth and most of the time in a genuine way. If I didn't want to do it then I wouldn't - believe me!
I can't see the connection between what Henry did, Beckham's kick, Rooney's stamp and please - if you want a competition to see who can produce the longest list unaided without the www based on memory and "being there" then fine. The thing they have in common is they were all wrong. Henry handled the ball, he knew it there and then and was wrong. Ditto for the other 2 apropos their offences etc, etc. Did Henry's act change the game - Yes. Did the other acts change the game - possibly!
TO go back to the reason which I'm now regretting - why I replied in the first place.
Can you directly provide or point me in direction of - the irrefutable evidence that football supportes are "thick" and "unpleasant."
I've told you more than once what I think about Henry. I've told you what I think about Rivaldo, ZZ, Becks, Rooney et al. And I've said that 's my view which doesn't make it right. That's what views are after all.
So please reciprocate and either say it's just your opinion that supporters are what you say they are or provide the hard evidence that being a supporter makes that person thick and unpleasant.