So... in BOTH 1966 WC cases, EXACTLY like the Henri case, it was that the Ref didn't SEE the 'rule breaching' play. And yet, instead of blaming the Ref in both cases, you blame Henri because he is FRENCH and the Ref (errrr .... Russian linesman' because he WASN'T English!
.....and you all seem to be surprised that I think you are BIASED!
..... and therefore YOUR view on the Henri 'cheating' is WHAT exactly? Is he a dasterdly cheat, a typical football player, a mis-undestood saint or WHAT?
And what EXACTLY would be your position of those of us who applaud BOTH teams for good play? And, assuming your football support is anything LIKE as rational as your reply, what do YOU think the the MAJORITY of British/Irish football supporters' views are on the situation? And how does what Henri did compare to Beckham's KICKING another player in a World Cup Finals match.....? And Potato Head's stamping on a player in the World Cup...? Do you need a LONGER list?