As usual, I seem to be the only one on the OTHER side!
Yes, I would MUCH prefer if there was the old-fashioned sense of 'Fair Play'. Modern society seems to have killed that.
However, 'enri HAS been more honest than most: he STATED that it was handball as he left the pitch and he has said so repeatedly, afterwards. He has, today, said that he would prefer if the match was replayed but that he has NO control over that; only FIFA have that power and they will NOT do it as it would negate almost every other match that has ever been played! You can see that Thiery's action was a RE-action, not a planned: "Ooo laa laa, I can get away wiz zis if I 'it it with ma 'and". Yes, that makes it a FOUL but not 'cheating', surely!???
Yes, the Irish SHOULD have won (or drawn) if the world, and specifically FOOTBALL, was fair.... but it ISN'T.
How many matches have 'YOUR' team won when they had committed (but got away with) some OTHER type of 'foul'??? I can't remember the last match I saw where SOMEONE didn't get away with a foul or vice-versa.
Yes, it's fun to laugh at the Irish (whom I don't remember doing much crying for US when Maradonna did it to us). I seem to remember quite a few Scotsmen TOASTING Maradonna good health at the time! Yes, it's fun to berate the French (who deserve it more than most) but be FAIR to Thiery... he is NOT claiming to have won fairly. That's more than Maradonna EVER admitted! Or Nobby Stiles, Chopper Harris, Vinnie Jones..... (etc. ad infinitum)