You forgot to mention the fact that you've a final salary pension, a gilt edged job and the option to dictate your terms to your management by way of [union] mob rule ! The overwhelming majority of your peers in the private sector are grateful to be able to work in these times and have none of these benefits.
What you're also forgetting is that the government will have to privatise your organization at some point in time. When it does, your monopoly will be broken and you will have to compete for business in the real world like the rest of us. You'll soon discover that unions and competitive business are a recipie for failure borne out by tragic loss of most of the major industries in this country and the US.
Kudos, do you know what's involved in running a business in an open market ? Do you know how difficult it is to make it work ? Imagine every business in this country [large and small] was unionized and took the position you're taking by dictating every decision to the company's management and walking out if they didn't get their way ? Imagine the military, the police etc... were allowed to operate that way ?
The Royal Mail, its operation and its militant unionized workforce is a throwback to the worst of Britain in the 1970s. Like the London Underground its workforce are allowed to hold the country to ransom. In 2009 this is unacceptable. It needs forthright treatment from government - a no strike law should be put in place to neutralize that union and anybody in breach of it fired. Businesses will fail and many people in the private sector will loose their jobs as a result of the intransigence of a beligerent minority.