Some of you lot will be fairly 'new' to such strikes. Also, some of you may still hold the bizarre view that the Thatcher Govt was all 'wrong'.
However, perhaps you ought to know that until Maggie turned up, strikes like this were EVERY F****** DAY! Not only that but strikers were allowed picket OTHER places of work who would also come out on strike 'in sympathy'. In this case, that would be like a postal strike and the workers would be allowed to picket the power stations, the ports, the petrol tankers and anything else they fancied. And they'd ALL close.... for a month at a time!
You may have heard of the 'Winter of Discontent'; it happened just before Maggie got in. At the time, we had the Fire Brigade and the Ambulence men out on strike, we had the dustmen and the GRAVE DIGGERS out on strike. The entire future of the British car industry was wiped out by strikes. We had teachers and STUDENTS on strike. Remember, strikes were NOT like today's PATHETIC ones lasting a day here and a day there; they'd be on for WEEKS, MONTHS and, in some cases Y*E*A*R*S! I could go on but I hope I am making the point.
Which is:
If you think THIS strike is annoying..... perhaps you'll get the smallest GLIMPSE of why we NEEDED Maggie in 1979. Today's unions are PATHETIC compared to the old ones..... G*O*O*D.... and WELL DONE MAGGIE! We owe you a HELL of a lot!
Oh.... and now I KNOW why Kudos has such bizzare views... he works for the post office!