Jasper..... old son....
Surely, when taking your HND (below the standard of a degree, I note!) did they NEVER teach you the dangers of failing to apply your OWN argument to your OWN statements?
To help you, please apply THIS (which is cut and pasted from your OWN last comment) to you OWN stance:-
"....so when you run out of something constructive to say you go for the man; well done old chap..."
In even a SINGLE WAY, how does that NOT decsribe every SINGLE comment made by YOU on THIS THREAD???????
Christ, and you call ME a hypocrite!
All the way through, I have been saying that the 'argument' does NOT depend on me being PERFECT..... the ONLY people who imagine that it would be POSSIBLE to be PERFECT is YOU DAFT LOT!
What's so hysterical is that you are behaving as though this is the FIRST time I have stated that I am not perfect; where the HELL have you BEEN?????
I have admitted MANY times before now that I 'cheated' in karting! I have shoved people off, I have DELIBERATELY overturned other karts, I have been underweight (probably.... and I wish I still COULD be!)), I have used fuel additives (BEFORE they were illegal!), I have stopped in the MIDDLE of the track on a rolling lap to make SURE that the starter couldn't start the race before I had fixed the problem, I have JUMPED KERBS, I have jumped the start(gone before the flag dropped)..... in fact, I have ALWAYS claimed that I am HUMAN! You will find that I have OWNED UP to every single ONE of those things on this forum! Does THAT preclude me from saying that cheating (including my OWN cheating) is WRONG?
Should we take YOUR fully CORRECT objection to 'cheating' as a GUARANTEED CLAIM that you have NEVER EVEN B*E*N*T a rule?????
The DIFFERENCE between us here is that I am NOT claiming to be PERFECT but that you MUST be or else, under YOUR rules, you CANNOT complain about something that you have done YOURSELF!
On THAT logic.... you SPECIFICALLY, C*A*N N*O*T complain about ME playing the 'man and not the ball because it is the SOLE thing you have DONE IN THIS THREAD! You haven't even MENTIONED the safety, wisdom, morals, legality or any OTHER factor of SPEEDING on SINGLE OCCASION. All you have done is to make ME the subject of the speeding debate rather than SPEEDING!
I have also drink-driven (before the breathalyser) as ALL (100% of us) who are old enough because THAT was what we DID before we knew BETTER! I bet even YOU have Jasper! Do me the FAVOUR of confirming my assumption that even Y*O*U have done so in the dim and distant past! Does THAT stop YOU from saying that Drink Driving SHOULD be illegal NOW?????? No it F***ING WELL DOESN'T! And it SHOULDN'T it's only YOUR stance that claims that it DOES!
And that IS hypocrisy!
And ANOTHER thing.....You have been so DESPERATE 'play he man and not the ball', let's see if we can get you to actually SEE the ball, let aone PLAY it! Please tell us EXACTLY why it is ACCEPTABLE to you for me to speed at 150mph past a school a 3.15pm on a school day! Remember, by YOUR logic, you CANNOT object if yo have EVER crept over the limit!
Once you can do that, I'll understand EXACTLY what you are claiming!
If what you are REALLY after is for me to state that I am NOT perfect and that I HAVE broken the law before now... then take this as CONFIRMATION that I HAVE! Had I EVER claimed otherwise, you MIGHT have had a point..... but I NEVER HAVE!
Oh.... and for precision for those of you who seem to think OTHERWISE:, I have also smoked Canabis, covetted my neighbour's wife, but NOT his ox NOR his ass. I can also cofirm I have covetted my Neighbour's Wife's 'ass'....... I have NOT honoured my father and mother AT ALL TIMES, I have NOT honoured the lord my god, I have born false witness, I don't THINK that I have killed BUT perhaps my support for the Iraq invasion means that I HAVE killed! I may have made some idols because I do not KNOW what COUNTS as 'idols' to jehova. I HAVE failed to keep the Sabbath holy. I've probably stolen but I have NOT committed adultery ....probably... ahh..... can I skip that one, please? Oh dear.... the list continues but I am bored with it, now.
At least, I now know how it feels to be a Catholic afetr confession! Oddly enough, only an IMBECILE would think that I WAS a 'plaster saint'. If YOU thought I was, then I feel sorry....... for YOU!