I'm glad someone's mentioned the strange gear changing noises - it's really got me baffled and I wish Brundle wouldn't insult our intelligence by suggesting that it is some sort of problem with the footage. I'm sure he doesn't really believe this.
I hear more of a 6th, 7th then 5th type of noise. One possibility i've thought of (very remote) is that maybe when the driver changes to 7th, if the car senses that the engine has dropped out of it's power band and can't quite pull 7th (presumably the engines are very peaky) the clutch is automatically disengaged for a split second to allow the engine to spin up and bridge a gap in the torque. The clutch would be required to deliver a sort of controlled slip.
Bit like a greased max clutch!
Presumably, making the car automatically change into 6th would be against the rules.
This is similar to the technique of 'feathering' the clutch which is often used in MX.