You won't find me defending Gordon, nor the Labour Party!
Remember, the low vote is caused by this MADNESS of worrying about MP's expenses and the fct that the general public care mor about Big Brother, X Factor and other TRIPE than about polotics. And THAT's becuase Politics is NOT simple...... ad they simplky CANNOT be BOTHERED to understand ANYTHING complex!
An intelligent person would be nticing that the turn out in the 'first past the post' 'local' elections were EXACTLY the same as the turn out fr the 'Proportional Representation' of the EU vote. Thus, the ONE thing of whioch we can be CERTAIN is that the low turn out NOTHING to do with th Electoral system..... What it REALY is causd by is STUPIDITY and LAZINESS of the 'voting' public!
Personally, I don't care.... those who DON' vote have CHOSEN to be ignored! Whgy hould I want toi spoil the CHILDISH behaviour?
And..... Vic.... My point about 'spelling' was about the failure to use capital letters for proper nouns. That is NOT a 'keyboard error'. I know MINE were/are caused by keyboard errors, as I suspect were YOURS!