1) Errr.... where EXACTLY did I ADMIT that I speed?
Secondly, I assume that you sometimes do things which YOU know are wrong, too. For example, I imagine you have been DRUNK before now. Does THAT stop you from KNOWING that you were WRONG to get drunk? If being 'guilty' of a fault prevents you from commenting on that fault, then the ONLY person who CAN comment would be JESUS the Carpenter as he is the ONLY man creditted with being PERFECT! (how about HIS anger and VIOLENCE with the money lenders in the temple.....?
When I start to claim that I am 'perfect' and THAT beign perfec gives me SPECIAL rights to comment, your point will be valid... until then........
2) Not if you declare yourself guilty!
3, 4 5 and 6) you accept my points
So.... summing up, you didn't get THAT far with your posting, did you?
Why not try to go further? Do YOU accept that 35mph at 3.15pm oputside a school in term time SHOULD be stopped? If so, how? If NOT by enforcing the speed limit, then EXACTLY how? If you feel that it should ONLY be between 3.14 and 3.16, please say so. If you CAN see that we CANNOT give flexibility incase there are children there OUTSIDE school times, you will then get the reason why it is 24/7/365. Once you have made THAT leap of understanding, you'll see there may be OTHER places that need speed limits: High Streets, Residential areas, Villages, towns, industrial zones which ALSO need speed control.
Then perhaps you'll tell us HOW we stop people from driving at 250mph on the M25 WITHOUT enforcing speed limits......
..... but.... even if I DO need to get that far, you will have LOST the basic argument simply by allowing me to have limits outside schools at ANY speed... but you didn't see THAT one coming!
So it seems that the thing to which you object .... is me doing EXACTLY what YOU claim that you wanted..... enforcing speed limits!
How did you let yourself get into THAT position.....?