Err Nik>
Something is silly in your answers:-
"cheap and good are [not] mutually exclusive"
Firstly, the NHS is a STAGGERINGLY cheap service. No other country delivers what WE deliver for 3 times the cost. Places that deliver BETTER service cost the people (thoruigh insurance or taxes) MUCH More money. Our system is cr*P simy BECAUSE it is CHEAP!
I am sure that even YOU have discoivered already that cheap Rosso is RARELY as good as more expensive Rosso. Or would you try to argue that you CAN buy a £3.20p Tescos Red which is as good as a 'standard' example of 'Mouton Rothschild'?
Actually, this relly IS the killer.... so long as you do understand that in 99% of cases, you WILL need to spend more for a better wine and that, on only VERY rare occasions, will you find that the CHEAPEST wine is anything LIKE as good as a more expensive wine... then you'll need to explain EXACTLY how it is that Excellent wine and CHEAP wine actually ARE mutually exclusive whereas Excellent BREAD is NOT as cheap as the rubbish marketed a 'wonder-loaf'!
Please don't try to cheat by suggesting that you MIGHT buy an excellent bottle off a family friend or that making your own bread with excellent ingredients is cheaper than BUYING bread but that is a red-herring. You need to compare cheap SHOP-bought food and wine and more expensive shop bought foods and wines.
The only way I can see you getting ou5t of THAT one is to claim that good wines CAN be bought on the cheap...... remember, if you DO claim that, I will want to sample you purchases......
The McDonalds and Home-Made attempt is CHEATING. Compare like with like! Comapre the prices of a McDonalds and a DECENT 'restaurant burger' and or a home made burger made with GOOD meat or from a Tescos 'own brand' VALUE pack!
I do NOT like aphorisms but "you don't get owt for nowt" covers this pretty damned well!