a) You don't slow them down, you make them better drivers. Teach them to use and appreciate the speed. (See below how) We all need to use speed to get places!
b) You shouldn't have to, make sure everyone knows the rules and make the rules fit the purpose.
c) Why does it have to be self financing, or low budget? You don't think that road safety is an area worth spending our tax money on? Better that than financing yet another Bank or heavens forbid another war! But while we're at it I believe I already put forward a self financing solution: everyone who falls foul of the rules (and I mean every rule, including parking tickets) get an automatic theory re-test which we have to pay for (penalty). You'll soon get pretty much everyone through the Highway Code at least once. If they fail the theory first time then they go back on provisional license, "L" plates and have to sit an extended re-test. All paid for by the law breaker, creates jobs etc. Self Financing I think you call it! And if you make the test really hard (as I proposed on another thread) that will have twofold effect: acts as deterrent AND selection.
d) All the above! Including a compulsory 1/2 hour every week (or day if you want to) of road education programmes on the main TV and radio channels. All paid for by the Networks themselves. They make enough money through TV-license SKY subscription etc. It doesn't have to be expensive as road educations needn't be high tech or require 'A'-List celebs and there's enough footage generated by the plethora of video traffic cameras in existence not to need purposeful filming. Lots of up and coming TV producers gagging to get into jobs, they can cut their teeth on Road Education programme making.
Enough solutions for you Tangler? Now I'm sure that every single one of the above can and does have problems with it, pitfalls etc. and require a lot of effort (some even additional legislation and funding) to make them viable. All it requires is a Government willing to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Rather than simply PRETEND!