Taxi drivers slowing down in the road with no indicators, they are intent on hogging the road when they can quite easily pull to one side and drive slowly with the indicator on while they are looking for the address they are after.
Taxi drivers driving very slowly while they are waiting for their next call to come in. Why don't they just pull over and wait?
Drivers driving at 20mph in a 30mph zone and then when you go to overtake they speed up to stop you from passing them.
Drivers who don't let you out of a side road when the traffic has come to a halt, they're sat in their car right in front of yours not going anywhere when they could have stopped one car length earlier and let you out of the side road.
Drivers who don't give space to lorry's going around a roundabout and then slam on their horns at the lorry driver when the lorry cuts accross and nearly wipes them out.
Drivers who don't pay attention when in heavy traffic. The traffic suddenly free's up and all is clear ahead but the driver is stil driving in heavey traffic mode and pulls off at a snails pace and 3 cars get through the green light instead of about 15 if the driver had been alert.
Drivers who brake for no apparent reason.
Middle lane hoggers,
Outside lane tailgaters when the inside lanes have no space to pull in. Where do they expect you to go? Ram the car on your inside out of the way?
Drivers who don't drive at a constant speed on the motorway. One minute their a 60 then their at 70 and then sometimes they go 80 and then back to 55, why?
Drivers who drive at 40 in the middle lane when drivers on the inside and outside lane are going at 60+ mph
Drivers who think they are in the right when actually they are in the wrong.
That lots just for starters, the world would be a better place if all drivers were like me ; )