I drive a 1994 Renault Clio. 1.4 litre, brakes are well past their best, the newest parts on the car are the tyres!! No power steering, ABS or any other computer trickery. Been driving it two months, no prangs, just one sideways moment going round a long right hander in the wet (caught it very quickly)
My mate drives a 2003 Corsa, 1.1 litre, new tyres, power steering, ABS. Was driving a year, binned it into a ditch round a corner at 30mph in a 30mph limit!!!
Technology doesn't make a difference if the driver is a retard!!! My mate proved that!!!
Speed limits are there for a reason, to stop people being killed!!! Yes, technology may have been improved, but there are still old cars about without this technology, are we now going to have one set of limits for new cars and one set for old???