"I have personally witnessed 25+ accidents. Of those I would say 3 or 4 were caused by EXCESS SPEED - 7.5-10% and higher than DFT figures. However, in NOT ONE was anyone speeding (exceeding the posted limit). Which is why focussing on enforcing fixed speed limits is right on the margins of road safety - not at the heart of it."
Err, how on earth do you know that? Were you reading their speedo to tell whether they were over the limit or not? And don't tell me it was because you were travelling at the same speed behind them, because that would mean you were travelling at an excess speed as well!!...or perhaps your brain is just so powerful it can calculate exact speeds just from watching? And anyway, if the speed travelled were in excess for that stretch of road (thus causing an accident) perhaps the speed limit should be lowered for that stretch of road!
Also, did anyone die during these accidents you've seen? Because if not (and if, as you say, they were going under the speed limit) you may absent-mindedly be adding evidence towards MY side of the argument.