Why can't you manage to THINK about this!
How MANY times have I got to TELL you this?
If your Speeding Arbitrariness (blanket) point is VALID about speeding (as put forward in the above answer)... then WHY is the SAME argument about limits being 'Blanket' (Arbitrary) N*O*T applicable to DRINK DRIVING??? Or are you suggesting that people should SIMILARLY be allowed to be 'flexible' about drink-drive limits!
For precision... that was EXACTLY waht (people who 'thought' like YOU do) D*I*D in the 1970s when breathalysers were new..... THEY have managed to GROW UP over the years.......
For god sake..... how could you NOT have noticed THAT glaring error in your argument?
John does it by AVOIDING the question.... because he CANNOT answer it without DESTROYING HIS OWN! Don't YOU start doing that TOO!
Damn it: all I am asking YOU to do is that ANY suggestion you make, simply apply the IDENTICAL suggestion to Drink Driving! For a 'fuller test', also apply it to the 'shotgun in Tescos'!
It's not exactly ROCKET SCIENCE is it? You really ARE capable of this level of thought!