We do not ignore the risks, we manage them! Whereas what your lobby does it attempt to ELLIMINATE them! Which BTW is a futile task as you'll never eliminate risks!
This isn't only related to speed on the roads, but everything else out there! We live in a society which is mortally obsessed by Regulations, Limitations, H&S and Risk Assessments, to the extent that a number of activities which are generally harmless don't take place any more because the "perceived" risks and the associated financial penalties are assessed as too high!
That's what we're fighting Tangler! You know very well that it isn't the speed limit past your house that makes you safer or not to negotiate the exit, but the speed and skill at which the cars/drivers pass it and your own ability to drive! You can set the speed to 10mph and still not avoid an accident. Why? Read the definition of accident in the Chambers Dictionary (other dictionaries are available)! As well as reckless drivers who do not have any regards to the set limits!