As I know a LOT of Neurosurgeons, you don't have to tell me MUCH about them. More worryingly, I can tell you a LOT about them which might just change some of your VIEWS!
But... so WHAT? A MODERATE consultant Neuro Surgeon is paid MORE than an MP. So.... if you REALLY think Neurosugeons would make GOOD MPs, tell me how you are going to persuade THEM to BECOME MPs if you CUT the 'salary' the MPs get!
Or ANYBODY who is earning a decent salary?
We GET the politicians we have because the GOOD people won't do that DAFT job for the MONEY! Anyone any good WON'T APPLY!
Use some SENSE, man!
As I have said before, members of my FAMILY are in the forces. Who EVER compared the JOB that MPs do to Squadies???? My point was that MPs can KILL more people than Neurosurgeons. It was YOU who drew the silly comparison that Neuros hold LIVES in their hand and thus they SHOULD be paid MORE!
If you think that IS who how 'military decisons' are made, then it's NO WONDER you have such DAFT views! The 'rules of engagement' are set by the MOD and NOT the military.... and they are set for POLITICAL purposes, not MILITARY purposes! The last time they were set of MILITARY purposes was in the Falklands war.... and even THEN, the politicians KEPT interfering! Our forces should be RELEASED to act on MILITARY purposes.... and that would be the END of the Taliban!
This is the KEY to it:-
"Again ,not suggesting having a pay reduction ,leave them as they are , just don't pay them stupid salaries like you want to.
No doubt you could get people to do my job for less, I would probably do it for less but they offered me £XXXXX and I took it !"
They already GET the 'silly salaries' I suggested but they do it by 'allowances' which is where this whole thing STARTED! I simply want to put it on a GROWN UP BASIS. A PROPER salary and audited EXPENSES!
On the second part.... how does that make you a FRACTION better than the MPs whom you SLATE? They TOO were offered £XXXX EXACTLY like you and THEY TOOK IT, TOO!
So.... is YOUR 'nose in the trough', too?