Your 'logic' is SO flawed that it's hard to know where to start.
FIRST you say that MPs shouldn't be paid a lot BECAUSE they 'chose' the job. You THEN say agree that Neuro Surgeons chose THEIR jobs but that, in THEIR case, they SHOULD be paid highly even though they ALSO 'chose their job', You THEN compund it further by saying that Binmen are UNLIKELY to have chosen their job and imply that THEY deserve LOW pay even though they DIDN'T choose their job. You then discuss the Forces and feel THEY should be paid MORE even though EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY ONE OF THEM CHOSE THE JOB!
What we CAN see is that, DESPITE what you CLAIM, in your view, 'choosing to apply for the job' should NOT control your wages.... even though you CLAIM it should do for MPs...... The truth is that it's NOTHING to do with 'choice': you just don't want them PAID properly and DAMN the 'logic' of the argument!!!!
That little lot is indicative of your though processes.... not based on ANY LOGIC!
Next **** You get NO chance to 'vote out' you Neurosurgeon or even your DUSTMEN but, not only do YOU get the chance to vote-out your politician... you ALSO get the chance to ask the public to vote YOU into the job INSTEAD! When did YOU ever get the chance to be voted in as a Neurosurgeon???
Next ****
Neurosugeons get a 'job for LIFE' (if they don't kill too many people). Due to the wierd processes of pay.. once THAY have been given (what's called) an 'award', that DOUBLES their salary FOR LIFE.... and they can even get MORE than one 'award' and thus more than one DOUBLING! HOWEVER... the average Neurosurgeon MIGHT get away with killing a HANDFUL (30 to 100ish) in their lifetime before they are 'caught'; our beloved Leader has managed to kill THOUSANDS possibly even HUNDREDS of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan.... but you want the guy making THOSE decisions to be paid LESS than the guy making VASTLY less 'life threatening' decisions.... that's just BRILLIANT!
Next ***** Can you explain to us EXACTLY how we will get BETTER MPs by paying them LESS???
How EXACTLY does THAT work? Why wouldn't we get BETTER Neurosurgeons by paying THEM LESS, TOO? Why can't we get people to do YOUR job better than YOU can by DROPPING YOUR WAGES?????
.....ohhhhh.... I cant' be bothered with the rest of the argument, this is just SILLY!
We get EXACTLY the politicians that YOUR views CONDEMN us to! If we INSIST on paying peanuts we'll CONTINUE to get MONKEYS! The REASON they won't tell us the truth is that people with YOUR views won't SUPPORT them if they do.....
We get the ones that YOU vote for BECAUSE you won't pay them and it's BECAUSE YOU don't want to hear the truth they LIE to you.... and because YOU don't want to hear the truth about 'allowances' (which the REST of us have known about for YEARS), we then get them PRETENDING that the allowances are NOT part of their 'pay'.
As I said, we get the politicians we DESERVE! Thanks for that!
Having said that.... I assume you think you know how it SHOULD be run and that the rest of the country would ALSO agree with you IF they only knew your views. Ok....
...PROVE it....
.... all you have to do is to STAND FOR ELECTION! You'll then be able to prove QUITE how easy it is and you'll aslo have the 'choice' to vote to REDUCE your salary and to REFUSE to accept the allowances, perq.s, gifts and 'back handers'.
All YOU have to do is to STAND for election.......
Will we get the chance to VOTE for YOU in the next election.....?