Let's go through this again Ian.
Just because they chose to become MP's DOES NOT automatically mean they are GOOD MPs or doing hardly ANYTHING AT ALL. None of them have shown me they are worth even minimum wage in recent years. STATUS what the hell do you mean by that,that a person irrespective of their WORTH shoul be paid ridiculous amounts purely because they have a STATUS. Ridiculous. ABILITY look at the current economic situation, and don't give me the codswallop that the Tories wouldn't have been in the same position, this recession is PARTLY due to Govt' and the remainder down to Banks and the Public at large,think before you come back on that about some of the things you have said recently. TRAINING how do you actually train to be an MP ? Or do you merely go to the correct schools and universities,get a degree of some sort, and then get a shiny A**e. As we all know ,secretly, the Govt doesn't RUN the country,the Permanent Secrataries and under secretaries that are UNELECTED and in the job full time are the ones who pull the strings,they may "suggest" that taking route A ,B or C is favourable and the MPs choose but thats behind closed doors.
Yes I agree Surgeons choose there career,I doubt ,note DOUBT, many binmen CHOOSE to be,some no doubt do. It is down to personal choice,Blair chose to be a Solicitor,then became an MP ,had he been good enough he could and no doubt would have earned more in Silk than as an MP, it wasn't written in stone he was to be PM.
Would I pay more tax ,on the proviso it is for the funding of HM Forces,too damn right i would,they are our defence, whether it is here or abroad,not neccessarily Iraq, even now in Germany they are a deterrent to what is still a threat in the background,the Soviet state,they recently claimed sovereignty over a part of the Arctic and have stated they will use it as a military base in the next few years. they need new equipment ,better Pay and conditions ,they deserve it, having served for 22 years I KNOW and HAVE EXPERIENCED what these guy's do daily and there remuneration is woefully low for what they are ultimately prepared to give. ************************************************* Of course they CHOOSE the job,they wouldn't be elected if they didn't ! If somebody put your name down as a potential candidate and you didn't WANT it you would ensure your name was withdrawn.
As I said the job is TEMPORARY so in a way we agree there,strangely, if they don't come up to scratch after their 5 years ,gone ,pooof,no longer. Tough, would you EXPECT a large redundancy package for 5 years?????
Yes we are supposed to get the best,but often they lie and manipulate their way into the jobs and then it takes us years to get them out. Not only MPs it is common in every job. I could tell you tales about one high ranking soldier ,a regular on TV still,that would leave you thinking I was mad or a born liar.
WHY don't I apply for one of the Posts, purely because I CHOOSE not to,same as they can opt in I opt out. I have a nice house and family and life here,why should I change that? My choice.
You could say I chose my job, I don't have to work,no mortgage , decent Army Pension, I do a job I like with people I like.It gets me out of the house a few days a week and thats what i do it for,if I was made redundant tomorrow it's not a big thing and I would get a job elsewhere , probably doing something different.
I didn't imply that we should cut their wages or pay them less,what I said was they aren't worth £150,000. Most people on here would agree that £60,000 is a decent wage at the moment and to award themselves 2.5% increase when inflation is at 0% is farcical.