No... if those who you elected don't listen to you.... then YOU stand for election YOURSELF.... and see if YOU can get things changed.... Stop waiting for people to do this stuff FOR you! Get off your BACKSIDE and STAND for something!
Secondly, I am defending the right for the public to change the leaders OCCASIONALLY b(once every 5 years, etc..) Personally, I'd rather have 5 years of RUBBISH Govt. than to let the public decide on DAILY matters. The public 'en masse' are NOT to be trusted in deciding if they want TEA or COFFEE with their breakfast!
I tried to choose a widely ranging list of things that the public WOULD vote for so that at least ONE of them would be abhorent to you (I've forgotten which 'wing' you are on). The sandals was a comedy one, but... how would YOU feel about compulsory re-patriation and or public holidays for the FA cup? The point is that we'd get ONE vote from a referendum today and we'd get the EXACT opposite TOMORROW if Tabloid press 'bandwaggonned' the appropriate story. That would be BONKERS!
The old saying about 'Democracy being the worst form of Govt...... except for all the OTHERS!' is NOT a joke.... No OTHER system is as good! If you don't LIKE the people who we have as MPs.... than STAND for something and CHANGE it! Changing the system will give us one of the WORSE systems!
Taking something simple like 'proportional representation'.... just LOOK at what it's done to the Italians, Israelis and the Irish! Our system WORKS!