Go on then John.... prove me WRONG and tell me EXACTLY how the 'police' have been capturing this data which shows that people DON'T speed in your village.....
Then tell me the DETAILS of the last time that YOU stood there taking the figures WITH them....
For precision, recently, I have been taking my OWN speed gun (Bushnell Speedster II ... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bushnell-Speedster-Radar-Speed-Gun/dp/B000BOVMNE) as a comparison. The CPSOs commented on each occasion that my gun was FASTER and CLEARER than his own. The figures were almost IDENTICAL except I got more 'completed' measurements than HIS did.
We could, of course, play a little game here..... I don't know where you live but, if it is reasonably close, I'd be willing to BRING my gun to you village and spend an Hour at a place of MY choosing in the village at 'rush hour' (if you have them, like we do) and with you monitoring and recording the the figures produced... we'll see if what the police are CLAIMING to be the REAL speeds in your village are within 25% of REALITY.
If I am right that the figures CLAIMED by the police bear NO relation to the REAL data... you buy DINNER for the two of us......
How CAN you refuse THAT offer?
I'm happy to travel 50 miles from North Herts/South Cambs.......