Simply CHECK any facts told to you on this subject by John... they are INVARIABLY wrong!
1) He's WRONG about the time police spend on speeding: that has DROPPED in the last 10 yeras since camera work was handed to NON-police (and thus, CHEAPER) officers!
2) He is WRONG about the speed checks in his village done by the Police. He's WRONG because he doesn't DO those checks himself... whereas *I* *DO*!
The Police collect THEIR data by having a CPSO (non-cop) in FULL uniform in FULL sight! They do this for a SPECIFIC and STATED REASONS! They do it to REDUCE speeds! Drivers who SEE a 'Cop' drive SLOWER and they FLASH oncoming cars who ALSO slow down! However, they use the figures produced during those 'test' as being REAL speeds when they KNOW it's a LIE!
How do I know this...? Because I ALWAYS H*E*L*P the CPSO officers who DO this tests in our villages! I arrange to supply them tea and cakes so they ALWAYS call me before doing the tests.... I do it so I can MONITOR what they do!
They are under SPECIFIC INTSRUCTIONS to produce LOW figures...... Why? Because the police do NOT have the man-power to ENFORCE the limits as they have RE-DEPLOYED all the officers who WOULD have been checking speeding BEFORE Gatsos to OTHER duties! If the figures produced in these 'tests' came in ABOVE the limits, they would HAVE to put more officers on speed duties!
Here's a SPECIFIC example:
The average recorded by 'Police' during such tests past my house (30mph limit) is 29mph. However, when **I** conduct the tests from a hidden location where I CANNOT be seen, the average is FORTY ONE MPH entering the village and FORTY THREE EXITING the village.
Perhaps I am BIASED..... so.... when the tests are done by a MACHINE (no biased operator at all), the average is IDENTICAL to those produced by me by hand.....
When the Police use such an 'un-manned' device... we CANNOT get them to release the data..... Welll..... that's what THEY think.... We have a case proceeding to court at the moment under the 'Freedom of Information Act' where the police have REFUSED to release the figures even though we have a COPY of their data which WE downloaded from the machine WITHOUT their permission..... Guess what the averages are? You've guessed it!
So.... as I said.... you CANNOT trust John on this stuff!