Hold ON there guys!!!!
The mass damper was NEVER illegal.... so much so that they had to CHANGE THE READING OF THE RULES TO M*A*K*E IT ILLEGAL!
For precision, the car had been checked and approved (with FULL knowledge of its design and function) for T*W*O seasons! Not only that, but when the FIAt rigging of the rules was done, the car was declared FULLY legal by scrutineers AFTER the FIA had bent the reading of the rules...
The ONLY way that it was in any sense 'illegal' was that FIAt could not make THEIR version work..... so it HAD to be banned!
Personally, I think the diffuser argument is a DELIBERATE RED HERRING! The teams have AGREED to protest it so it gets more TV coverage before the first races of the year. How could they have BETTER promoted the start to the season than this?
Every team will have a copy before Sepang and we are told that McLaren's copy arrived at the track yesterday morning. The less-rich teams may well have awaited the ruling before starting on manufacture just to save 'costs' but you can bet the BIG teams (FIAt, McLaren, BWW) have ALL been building one!