Firstly, those of us with an IQ know that it is not exactly the WISEST thing to put IN WRITING wtat one may have BROKEN THE LAW. You will therefore have to excuse me if my IQ helps me make a rational decision about answering your question!
If you don't have the IQ to work out EXACTLY what I am saying........
Secondly, those of us who are NOT imbeciles also know that not ONE PERSON ON THE PLANET is perfect. The last one who CLAIMED to be perfect was Nailed to a CROSS for saying so.
On that basis, there clearly can be NO ONE who is qualified to comment on ANYTHING if one needs to be PERFECT before standing up for what is RIGHT.
As this seems to be a 'big thing' for you, let me also confirm the following:-
* I have never walked on water * I haven't managed to convert water into wine (but have managed the reverse on many occasions) * I do NOT expect to rise again 3 days after I have DIED!
I hope that clears up your confusions, here!