I'm not admitting anything, don't put words in my mouth, I'm merely stretching the statistic to show it applies to a mere mortal like myself! Only from experience! Have you never made it into work and suddenly realized you cannot remember much of the journey you just spent? Most of the human drivers will admit to this. If you don't then you must be either super-human or the most balanced, least troubled, non worried individual on this planet! That's what the statistic in question refers to! And being worried about your job, kids, wife, mortgage, ill relative etc. doesn't go away simply because you've sat yourself behind the steering wheel and proceeded to mechanically propel yourself forward!
I wasn't travelling the speed limit, it was well below on every single occasion!
Assuming the blow-out in question happens 40mtrs ahead, for it to become a concern to myself it must happen to a vehicle which is moving at some speed, which means that the potential impact point as far as I'm concerned will not be 40mtrs but somewhat further. Like I said, if anyone drives at any speed he/she cannot stop within his/her field of vision should be committed! It's called driving within the limits of the road conditions rather than within the speed limit. It has been mentioned often enough in this thread that there are a lot of roads out there with speed limits well above what any intelligent person would class as sane!
5 small pranks in 23 years, 17 cars and close to 1 million miles is not that bad, even if I do say so myself! BTW, I didn't say how many of those were my doing either so please don't jump to conclusions!