"That's a closing speed of 70mph!!! That's so dangerous it's unreal." When you're travelling on the motorway at 70mph (legal speed btw) what do you think is your speed relative to the street furniture? CLOSING SPEED OF 70mph!
"I assume you meant to say wider, otherwise you'd be arguing against yourself. I would actually agree with the statement that the tunnel gets narrower as you go faster, but I doubt you were actually trying to say that." I meant exactly what you read! What I was saying was that at higher speeds you'll be concentrating on the driving alone rather than the stuff you don't need to concern yourself with! Tunnel vision concentrates the mind! However training (racing as such) will help widen the peripheral vision.
"It’s been proven by you??? That’s rather worrying isn’t it, that you’re admitting you don’t pay as much attention as you should." It is worrying, yes! Statistically it is proven most accidents happen within 5mls from home or work. As for my own proof... all my 5 accidents happened on roads I frequented regularly and at below 40mph! I do on average around 38000mls/year and my car computer tells me my average speed is 37mph!
As for your example: "Think about it logically, say an accident has happened 40 metres ahead." Put it this way, if anyone drives at at 90mph in a zone where he cannot see 40mtrs ahead he/she should be committed not banned!