"However, I'll campaign to deal with the 1/3rd which are, someone ELSE can campaign about the other 2/3rds......"
our Ian, falling into the safety net our powers to be choose, cant solve the whole issue so try to solve the bit they think they can but not understanding the whole issue
what you do affects all aspects of road safety, never had a problem with cameras as a extra resource but not as a replacement for the standards we had, side affect of cameras is the belief right or wrong there is less traffic cops than previous years, it is about public perception not fact.
any camera system is easy to beat, sunday plates/show plates on ebay are cheap with no regs to buy them, the drivers who are already outside the law before they hit the road are not worried about cameras and love them, so easy to beat and less on the beat....plus they cant take a drunk driver, drugged driver, uninsured driver etc of the road that night, that is when they are dangerous not 2 weeks later
Ian, if you can show that cameras have not directly or indirectly reduced traffic cops then no problem, i believe and more important reading through the car forums, the perception is the roads are not being watched if you can beat the camera, that worries me, by not looking at the whole you can not understand the side affects
and as side note this is a chat section on karting forum, it is a place for people to debate and not a place that will change the this little world or the big world, that is how i treat it and enjoy it........and post to promote debate and get other views, i may be wrong, others may be wrong but do love the fact people care enough to post, so i am not demanding you post but interested in your posts