It's funny you should mention 'industry standards' in the same sentence as IE. IE can't even stick to web standards. Unfortunately, it is the only browser that provides proper support for ActiveX controls, as required by many online services, Sharepoint, RWW etc. Firefox is a little better, but not much. It too has a propensity for quirks and special cases.
In terms of performance, you'd struggle to do better than Opera (whilst maintaining a fully featured browser). Most pages will render correctly but, being one of the only standards compliant browsers, some pages may look a little odd, especially those written with IE in mind.
The limiting factor for most browsers is the speed of their Javascript engine. Unfortunately, they're all pretty poor in this regard. A good ad-blocker will go a long way to alleviating slow loading pages. Both Opera and Firefox have a good one.
With specific regards to IE, you can't rule out malware being the cause of your slow browsing experience. Most malware affects IE only, although Firefox does have some vulnerability.
Anyway, give Opera a go.