Well what I was actually getting at was, the Squaddies/bootnecks are Brits,with it so far? OK, they went to Norway infrequently,still with it? Got off the boats and planes and with little or no training ,believe it or not DROVE ! OK I am assuming you have now recovered from that shock. Who has had 10 minutes to get the snow chains?why haven't you bought them some time in your life up to now? Winter is a regular thing you know.
What I was trying to say is this is NOT a major weather event,it's just a bit of bad weather which most people were NOT prepared for including ,Councils and The Highways Agency. Major weather events are things we can NOT do anything about and is unexpected or a lot worse than expected. The flooding in Gloucestershire a couple of years ago for instance. We should have expected snow ,we should have been prepared for it, were we? NO.
Flooding,tsunami,hurricane,Tornado unexpected weather events for the UK. 6-12" of snow,mmmm, I don't think so.
You may have noticed on Sky news this morning that Telegraph hill,about 4 miles from me, is at a standstill and the road closed,that is a main trunk road,gritted, where i live is a minor road ungritted, I have just driven to the shops for my paper (which wasn't there) and milk in my 4x4 without snowchains and without even the need to engage 4WD.
Quite a lot of the problem is the way people drive, "ooooh ,bit of wheel spin, HIT THE GAS !!"
And if your old Aunt Bertha needs to get her pension ,she must be one of the only OAP's around who still collects there Pension at the Post Office, she would probably be sat listening to Terry Wogan,the OAP's hunka hunka burning love I am told, while shopping at Tesco On-line.