Im with Kudos on this one, im ashamed to be part of this country, totally shamful, grow some b*lls and get on with it. I was driving down a road the other day with drifts so high you couldnt see out of the side window, with a foot of snow where is had fallen, (Yorkshire). Yes the road had been dug out kindly by a farmer, but everyone got by it.
People are going on about not enough grit on the roads, well in heavy snow fall P****ng on it would be more use.
Half the problem is tyres on cars are useless. Yes we dont get serious snowfall very often, but it would make all the difference if cars did have winter tyres.
Having lived in eastern europe for 5 years i know what winter is like, even with a foot of snow on top of sheet ice the traffic still kept moving, as a result the roads were easily kept passable, why because they had winter tyres, and because the just got on with it, none of this moaning.