So.. unless it's the voting, there IS no differences between the Mafia and a capitalist State. You only need to look at the England under the Barons (1215 etc.) and Russia Today to see that is TRUE! That's the POINT, it's the VOTING that STOPS us from being a Mafia. Voting PREVENTS it from being a pure-capitalist state..... and a god job TOO!
Brown is NOT an oligarch... any more than Alex Douglas Home was, Jim Calaghan was, John Major was, etc.. He is merely a DELAYED democrat! I may loathe him but he ISN'T an Oligarch! Ti be fair, when the public VOTED for Blair.. it was in the FULL knowledge that Brown WOULD take over before the end of the Parliament! More fool THEM!
The United States IS (officially) a Republic and it's ALSO (officially) a 'democracy'. As is France, Spain, Germany and so on. Republics MUST be democracies.... or else they are 'NOT republics'... except in their name! As in 'The People's Republic of China'.... which is NOT a 'republic' no matter WHAT they pretend!
Tell me EXACTLY what it was that STOPPED the banks from doing what they wanted! They could set the interests a HIGH as they wanted! Don'yt say 'tehy couldn't' because they DID.... if not, explain the 27% to 30% intesest charged on Credit Cards! You haven't told me YET qwhat it was that the banks WANTED to do that the Govt. PREVENTED them from doing OTHER than lowering the rates and it is the LOW-NESS of the rates that HAS CAUSED THE PROBLEMS! The Banks ALWAYS had the choice to RAISE the rates...... but DIDN'T!
Your point MIGHT be valid IF you can show me ANY MOMENT DURING THE DEBACLE where the banks wanted to RAISE the rates! Go on.... SHOW me!
The bankers wanted to LOWER the rates as they earned more 'bonuses' (by giving more 'toxic' loans) by so doing!
The basic premise of your argument does NOT hold water! The banks were NEVER P*R*E*V*E*N*T*E*D from to R*A*I*S*I*N*G rates