Your friend is wrong about the £16,000 and still get full benefits, a claimant for Job seekers allowance ,due to redundancy would be allowed to claim that but the supplementary benefit of Income support which then makes it a "passport Benefit" entitling the claimant to full housing and council tax benefits etc are Income related or means tested. When I was off last year I was covered by full salary for the first 4 weeks and half salary had I been off for up to a further 5 months. I was sent information by the DSS which covered the case had I been on SSP in which it said if I had savings over £6,000 these would stop any supplementary benefits being paid. So they have had one hell of a hike in the savings threshold or someone is telling porkies.Or she hasn't been quite honest with DWP and has squirreled away savings they haven't found YET !
Next ,OK we all live in your world and we all become very successfull and earn loads of money to the point we no longer need to work as we can afford to pay others to do it for us, h, but, there is NO ONE to do it for us as they are rich and succesful and need someone to do it for them. So the only guy in the world is lowly Mr B from the first reply who say's "OK I will still empty your bins,but,boy is it going to cost you !!!!!! " and he would undoubtedly end up the richest.
It's a bit like the old scarab or dung beetle,he may only be good for shovelling IT ,but ,without him we would all be worse off.