As you can tell I very much believe in 'small government'.
o Military - either we no longer care about the defence of our country OR we have ample spare capacity to go trotting off around the world. Either way, I believe huge reductions could take place.
o Police - I'm completely with you on that. Cars should be automatically restricted for speed and police should be on foot by and large.
o Councils - in the US you're responsible for the area outside your own property so that could deal with that one. Government operates on a psuedo communist basis and like government councils waste phenomenal amounts. This is a debate in itself.
o Schools - The whole system is lopsided. Schooling should only be free to those who absolutely can not afford it. Everyone else pays. If you have 10 children, then you'll place a large burden on the school system and you will pay a lot... maybe you should have thought about having less children ! If you unburden the state system by putting your kid in a private school, then you'll be reimbursed... it would free up the state system and open a market for more private schools. If you don't have kids, you don't contribute to schooling !
o The NHS will be there to preserve life and that's all. Everyone else will join an insurance system. The premiums would be means tested. You want to opt out... that's your choice.
o Social housing - who said anything about buying houses ? Nobody needs to own a house. They need a place to live. Why should I pay GBP1,500 in rent every month to have the woman next door to me driving a 08 Vauxhall Astra have it paid for by the council ? If she can't afford to live on my street, then maybe she should cut her cloth to her means and live somewhere else ? Put every council and housing association house in this country for sale on the open market. The price of property would collapse, so too would rents. Everybody would be able to pay a fairer amount for a roof over their head AND a large number of jobs in a new property lettings industry would exist... and the government would have a gigantic cash windfall.
o Dole/benefits - In the US, you have a safety net. Its a few weeks' support until you find another job. It pretty quickly focuses the mind on getting a job. Its up to every adult* in this country to take responsibility for their own existence - to provide for themselves so that they can have food and shelter. Its not the responsibility of the state. Another friend of mine is married to a woman whose parents have never worked a day in their lives. I believe they've been on incapacity benefit the entire time. This isn't an isolated situation... in fact its quite common. Many people move on a stick not a carrot.
Just a bit about the * In terms of the 'fortunate and the 'unfortunate', I'm sorry I don't buy it. There are people who are severely disabled and incapable of looking after themselves, like my poor step daughter, and there's everyone else.