The size of H.M. Forces today would be insufficient to defend the British Isles in a stand alone capacity. The reduction in numbers since the mid 80s ,thanks to redundancy and a drop in recuitment since, then has left the country with a woefully inadequate defence force.
Police: most of the statement yep I must agree,when the Police are driving round in BMW's and Impreza'a that is going a bit OTT, why not ensure all car's are fitted with a tamper proof speed limiter (people will jump on me for that) so the need for the Pursuit car is obsolete and more " Bobbies" back on the beat, and give them the power of a good "clip around the ear" and that will probably prevent more kids getting involved in serious crime in the first place. That will make a few Guardian reading namby pamby £30K per year social workers available for other gainful employment(My SISTER will jump on me for that).
Councils, hhmmm fair comment in the main but they are needed, if the pavement or road outside your home needed replacing would you do it yourself or rely on the guy "with a little bit of Tarmac from a job down the road". They should be answerable to the public more. ( Ian will probably jump on me for that) Schools we contribute to anyway. Are you suggesting the people in a position to pay a little towards the education of their offspring should get preferential treatment,as per the Public school now? Why? That would open up the rich get richer ,poor get poorer divide even more. A lot of kids from less financially well off homes are more capable of great things than many of the kids who have the opportunities vested upon them by Daddies money,a bit like Karting (lot's jump on me I guess)
NHS should be run properly and means tested i.e; those with the ability to pay should contribute those unfortunate enough not to be able to get treated as and when needed. Why should Mr A get a new hip at £7k (10% of his £70,000k per annum salary) whilst Mr B has to pay the same (50% of his wages as a bin man clearing Mr A's rubbish away) just because he is not as fortunate as Mr A?
Social housing,don't be so ridiculously naive to think that everybody in the UK can afford to buy a house. Average house today is what? £175,000? Using the old income X 2.5 equation that was always applied to a mortgage the min salary would need to be Mr A's £70,000 so where does Mr B get his money to buy a house? Strike ,demand huge disproportianate wage rise ,leave litter on the streets ,start another "winter of discontent", social housing IS needed. Some restrictions should be applied ,like, no houses to single unemployed parents, amongst others. Oh and possibly take you friend out of the City flat ,sell it and pay that money into Central Govt funds for the building of more appropriate social housing,they would probably build 5 for the value of his one!
Dole, benefits. Again you have to have them as a safety net for society, just because some poor guy/ woman loses her job doesn't mean they should be left out. They need help to return to "work" asap not neccesarily gainful employment ,but I am sure each and every person drawing benefits could do SOMETHING in return? Litter picking , painting decorating or gardening for the elderly or disabled, lots of things to suit their talents. Even Professionals could be found something to do for the public good. You say "You'll soon get people finding jobs" I think you wil find that is not quite correct in the present economic downturn. But if claimants say "NO ! I am not doing it" the answer is simple " then your Benefit is stopped"
End of my moan.
Just DO NOT get me off on the Judicial and Penal system !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry it's a long post ;-)