Jnr blue ,sorry if it sounded as though I was being ignorant,but,a friends son who is at Plymouth came round over the Christmas break asking if I could explain how to use Log tables as he " had never done them at school" and I thought it was the same nationwide.
As for algebra in year 7, my youngest son is in year 4, he can do basic algebraic equations because i have taught him, however he does not and will not do them at school this or next year and his teacher tells me it is unlikely that the class as a group will be taught it until "High school" which I believe is year 7 so I stand corrected,my apologies.
As for needing a calculator for Maths ,the ancient Greeks and Chinese did OK without them. That includes trigonometry.
And a quick note to Nik G, tha Abacus is still widely used in Asian financial institutes as those that use them can calculate quicker (basic maths only though) than using a calculator.
Sorry if you thought my post seemed ignorant or rude ,not intended to be.
Good luck.