What a delightful collection of 'Daily Mail' grade stories. And just as silly!
How do they illusrate that it is the SOLICITOR'S fault and NOT the fault of those who wnat to CLAIM the money!
It is also yet ANOTHER diatribe about:-
'THEY shouldn't be allowed to make money but WE should be....."!
Be CONSISTENT..... you either supprt capitalism... together with ALL it's faults... or you support some OTHER systen which, so far, has ALWAYS proved to have the SAME faults plus VAST numbers of ADDITIONAL faults!
The fault is NOT within the MAJORITY of solicitors but is the fault of a MIORITY of them when it is combined the fault of a LARGER number of the public and a JOKE 'legal aid' system!
.....but of course, it's EASY to blame the solicitors because you are NOT one of them!