Ask the courts to send you a big batch of small claims forms. Fill one in for each of your debtors. Sign them and fax them to each of your debtors with a covering letter stating late payment charges and interest at 8% above base rate will also be claimed as per the Late Payment of Commercial Debts act. Give a deadline for payment. If the deadline is not met file the papers with the courts. If you really want to shake them up, send them a winding up order.
With your creditors, write to them and explain that payment will be X weeks late. Most trade suppliers will accept this. If you're VAT registered write to them and request that you pay your VAT return in two installments, the first 30 days late, the second 60 days late. With PAYE tax, write to them and tell them you'll be 30 days late passing on tax deductions.
If your accounts show you are solvent, all the above will help give you net positive cash flow.