Yes its hypos that are the problem, and with motorsport the main issue is that your body is entering quite a different environment from normal so if you arn't careful hypos could happen, and being incharge of a kart or car when you are in many ways exhibiting the physical sensation of being drunk (this is how it feels to me when a hypo comes on fast) is very dangerous.
the coma point is right too, generally (and of course there will be some exceptions) those kind of high blood sugars only happen to people who won't treat themselves properly, or don't realise diabetes is why they feel so awful as they have not yet been tested for it but have it.
An actual diabetic would need to neglect their treatment, and you'd feel so awful i can't imagine why anyone would do it.
I'd be interested to know why the msa are so specifically strict on diabetics though. Yes there are dangers but there must have been a really bad accident at some point in the past which was put down to a driver being hypo'd that caused the rules to be the way they are, i wonder what it was? i can't imagine when writing the blue book they sat there and said, 'oh yes, those diabetics, we need to keep and eye on them'