Tickets for the Clay Pigeon Kart Club Awards evening on Saturday the 13 December are selling out fast. The venue is the Southern Counties Shooting ground, with a sit down meal, followed by the awards ceremony and a disco and bar to midnight. Contact the circuit on 01935 83713 to book your ticket now.
Why not make it a great weekend and do the Turkey Trot the next day,
From the Clubs news:
Look out this year as we have planned a Cadet Special including the Pigeon Pursuit which will take place during the day – turn up at Race Control on the day to find out more and win great prizes.
Introduce a cadet driver for this event who has not raced at Clay Pigeon this year and take home a box of chocolates**
Colin Clark has once again offered an additional prize of a turkey for the winner of each final in each class with 5 or more.
Chocolate selection boxes for all Juniors and Cadets.
Mixed Grids for all cadet classes - make this a great days racing and lets find out who is the best of the best!
We cant guarantee the weather, but we can guarantee a good fun days racing.