There COULD be a 'mechanism' that 'caused' problems. The amount of dust put into the atmosphere by Krakatoa DID change our climate. Similarly, the Mount St Helens 'explosion' seemed to affect the climate in EXACTLY the same way, to a lesser extent! Remember, Krakatoa DWARFS the PATHETIC 'littleboy' bomb at Hiroshima. It was THIRTEEN THOUSAND TIMES more powerful!
Just so you know..... Krakatoa PULVERISED TWENTY ONE CUBIC KILOMETERS of rock into DUST and shoved THAT lot into the sky! Think about it........ that's a CUBE of rock that's MORE than 3 KILOMETERS along each FACE turned to dust....... that's a LOT of dust! Mount St Helens converted 5 cubic kilometers.
However, to show that the 'bomb's dust' had the same type of effect, you'd need to show at least FIVE things to SHOW that the 'bombs' had the effect you claim:-
1) that the bombs caused the same SORT of 'dust' scale as Krakatoa! 2) That the total of all OTHER 'human explosions' caused LESS dust than the nuclears! That would be tough to do when you see how much smoke and 'dust' was raised JUST by the firebombing of Tokyo and the destruction of Hamburg and Dresden on their OWN! 3) That the scale of 'additional' 'dust' was GREATER than man's dust production in OTHER things that we do..... like burning coal, diesel, oil, wood, etc. etc. and the level of dust created by simple things like ploughing and harvesting, etc.. 4) You'd have to explain how the Krakatoa dust 'settled' out of the atmosphere in between 1 and 5 years but the dust from the 'bombs' is STILL hanging around up to FIFTY years later! 5) ......and this one is the KILLER...... The effect of Krakatoa was NOT to cause global WARMING but caused global COOLING! So severe was it that WE had the 'infamous' year of NO summer! It was NOT like this year...... it SNOWED in London THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE YEAR ! We had NO harvest AT ALL in that year! The Global temp fell by about 1.2 degrees (average) and it lasted (diminishing) for 5 years.
Good luck with the 'proof'!