Ok...... explain the MECHANISM of HOW the nuclear tests have altered the climate.....
The POINT is that there is a CLEAR and very OBVIOUS way that 'greeenhouse gases' ('Co2 for shorthand') can have raised the global temp! Nobody with an IQ doubts that 'mechanism' would WORK. The ONLY doubt is whether it is 'OUR' Co2 output that has made the difference. Just show us HOW a VERY few.... V*E*R*Y small expolsions could have made the difference! And then explain how the INCOMPARABLY VASTLY larger amount of explosions we have caused with CONVENTIONAL bombs in the same period would not have had even MORE effect!
Remember, I WILL be looking VERY closely at your 'evidence'; you will need to show me more than just a DAFT guess!
The OUTPUT from ALL the nuclear tests in the last 50 years has been a FRACTION of the output of a SINGLE nuclear power station in a YEAR!
And we have just a FEW of those!
Plus we have ALL the power stations burning CONVENTIONAL fuels..... so..... if large ENERGY output IS the cause then....... well........ damn me....... you appear to have JOINED my view that Global Warming IS made WORSE by using excess fuel.... and that was what you were trying to DISPROVE!